Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Little Background

One of my first intentions in writing this blog is to painstakingly and deliberately make my way through the BBC TV series Doctor Who (ALL OF IT), sharing my experience with you, one episode at a time, with a recap for each serial. For those not familiar with the venerable series, it's a sci-fi series, originally intended as a children's show. However, since it first aired in 1963, the original audience has matured a bit, so modern episodes are somewhat more appealing to a typical audience than the original series.
Since the show has lasted for so very long, the titular Doctor (whose surname is NOT Who, thank you very much) has not been played by the same actor (being a time traveler and all, aging is unbecoming). Through some hocus-pocus explained on the show (and it will be some time before I get to that), the actor who plays the Doctor changes from time to time, so they're referred to as the First Doctor, Second Doctor, and so on up to the Eleventh, who will make his premiere next year. For my next post, I'll run through the episode that introduces us to the First Doctor, played by William Hartnell.
By the way, impugn this show publicly and the entire United Kingdom will come down on your head. The Queen watches this on Saturdays.

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