Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Statement of Intent

So I realized after a few posts that this blog has the potential to get a little monotonous. A series of black-and-white stills from an old show nobody knows isn't gonna be very compelling for a lot of people, so I propose a change: every time I finish a Doctor Who serial, I'll cover an episode of classic Star Trek, and this will continue until I run out of one show or the other (hint: I'll run out of Trek first). The coverage of Star Trek will begin in just a few minutes, as I recap and review the unaired pilot of the original Star Trek.
For those that are looking for political content, this probably isn't the blog for you - I have opinions, you have opinions, and a post I make about my opinions isn't going to change yours. Perhaps in the future I'll develop my writing style enough to get coherent points across, or even write short stories or somesuch, but for now, classic TV is what you get. Thanks for listening, Internet.

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